Alright, I'm going to do a video on slavery, and racism and all this bullshit that's going on. I wasn't going to do such a video. I think it should be obvious what's going on, but unfortunately there are so many stupid people. I thought I would put up a little bit of information that is very, very important, that will just destroy anyone who tries to pull this anti-White racist bullshit on anyone.

Basically, at this point, anyone who promotes this Black Lives Matter kind of narrative of evil White people, they must die. In 2020, there's no excuse promoting this genocidal shit. Genocide is the worst of all crimes, and these are just targeted lies, propaganda to justify acts of genocide that are going on, on a massive scale. White people are halving in number each generation, while Blacks have 8 children per couple per generation. They don't have the organisational ability to do this by themselves, this is being orchestrated by someone else who's not Black, who's using them as pawns to destroy White people. Unfortunately, if you are stupid and greedy enough to follow this narrative to get free shit and try and leech of Whites like this, you die. You do the deed, you die. It's too late, too late dudes. You do the deed, you die. So, I'm going to wing this here. I'm going ot show a picture. This is me a couple of hours ago. I received some injuries yesterday. Last night really. Well, tonight really because it's still night time, still dark. But I'm not doing too well so, you know, I've got rapid cell regeneration and shit, but I'm also dying from all kind of shit. But look, first, before I go onto this topic and produce this information I want to show you, I just want to get this message to sink in. I want to show you something, explain something.

A while back, a number of years ago, there was a company called Nanna in Australia. An Australian company, it was making desserts and stuff, traditional Australian desserts and fancy stuff like that. And it was considered to be a strictly Australian company. So the Chinese decided to buy it out. They deliberately buy out these Australian companies secretly, so you don't know that the Chinese own it now. And this is every country. I'm going to say every country is doing this, but there's a general overwhelming focus on exploiting and invading and taking out White people. This is a war. Everyone against Whites, including other Whites. Communists and shit like that. But this is a big conspiracy against Whites. I think everyone knows it by now. The shit I've been saying, I've been called every name under the sun for it. It's all in black and white. Literally, black and white now. So this company was bought out by China, and a problem happened. So, Australia, we don't have the massive plague problems and stuff, right? First world country, supposedly. And we don't have massive epidemics of AIDS where 50% of the population are dying from AIDS under the age of 15 or some shit. We don't have that kind of shit over here. We're living in a sterile, clean, first world country, a civilised country. Supposedly, anyway. So the Chinese buy out this company and there's a problem. As it turns out, mysteriously, after they bought out the company, all their desserts, blueberry or strawberry pie or something like that, got infected with hepatitis. And it has infected a tenth of the Australian population. A tenth of the entire nation, now has hepatitis. This was all acknowledged. It was covered up at first of course, and then it became publically known that a tenth of the population has been infected with hepatitis. Well, I've luckily never eaten any of those Nanna pies, but because it was such a big deal, such a huge compromise, whether you trust government statistics or not, this is the kind of one that is more reliable than others, is apparently a tenth of the Australian population now have hepatitis from eating Nanna products. You think it never happens in this kind of country. But it happens in China and shit all the time. They don't even buy their own milk, because they literally poisoned and killed their own people. Just for the fucking hell of it. This is why China's buying out all the milk in Australia, and the baby milk especially. They can't give their own children their own milk. So they don't drink milk, their children do though. So for their children, they got like 1.5 billion or whatever it is now. They got like a billion and a half people with all this milk, when there's this tiny nation down here where they need to get all their milk from. This is because they don't trust their own, they don't trust each other. Look, I don't blame them for not trusting each other. But they're also to blame because they're being untrustworthy. They do this shit to themselves all the time. So this is why they trust White countries to get their shit. So they get their milk from here. So they poisoned a tenth of the population of Australia, with hepatitis. A tenth of the population of Australia with hepatitis. Holy shit, right? Then, nothing. All swept under the carpet, ignored. Change topic, let's pretend it never happened. That kind of thing is happening in every country, all over the place. And worse, as I've been saying, all along. And you wouldn't be able to handle if I was to show you what I've seen first hand. So much, you wouldn't believe. So I just wanted to mention that Chinese stuff, because this is in every country. And while everyone's doing it to everyone else, and a lot of countries are doing it to their own people, there is an overwhelming focus of anti-Whiteness. Of this anti-White genocide of plundering White people and invading White people and taking over and replacing them. So I just wanted to say that, to give you an idea. So, onto the topic.

So I'll give some information here. So, White people are blamed for slavery. So slavery is apparently a White person thing. White people enslave everyone else and they're a big threat to everyone else, because they're rich and powerful. And they're supposed to be smarter, but everyone's equal at the same time. And for them to be smarter, it must be White privilege. Everything's White privilege somehow. Fuck knows, it's just how it works. It's just, being White is somehow privileged. You need to 'give me free shit'. It's all incoherent. It's not meant to be coherent. It's all lies. So I'll explain a few things. There's so much I can explain, but there's a very important point here I'm taking too long to say.

So the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833. I'll read this from Wikipedia. I don't recommend Wikipedia for everything, but certain things that still haven't been too badly corrupted in it with anti-White bullshit, it's useful for these things like this. 'Slavery Abolition Act 1833 abolished slavery throughout the British Empire, in 1833. This act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom expanded the jurisdiction of the slave trade act 1807, and made the purchase and ownership of slaves illegal within the British Empire with the exception of the territories possessed by East India Company. East India Trading Company. Now Sri Lanka and Saint Helena. The act was repealed in 1997 as part of the wider rationalisation of English statute law. However, later anti-slavery legislation remains in force'. If you were to find this article and read it (it's a bit long), basically what happened was, White people are not slavers. It's all upside down and inside out lies. White people apparently enslaved Black people. No, Black people are enslaving people. They're still enslaving their own people to this day. And where possible, they enslave White people as they have in the past. But you're not allowed to talk about that. White people are not the slavers of history. They're the victims of slavery. They are the only people who have ever fought against slavery, and they've sacrificed countless lives setting other people free. And I'm just going to give you an example of this act right here. What happened was, Britain used a shitload, like 40% of its resources, of everything it owned of all its stuff, and they used that to buy all these Black slaves and free them. Yes, they sacrificed their country. The British Empire used to be huge. Now it's not. How do you think this happened? Well part of that was the fact that they spent so much freeing slaves. How do you free slaves? Do you go to war against the slavers who, if they're able to enslave all these people you're going to have to have a war against some vicious evil people and your own people are going to suffer. SO what they tried to do is do it peacefully, and they bought all these slaves to try to end slavery and free these poor Black people who were enslaved by their own people and certain other people who I'll talk about in a minute. And it cost them so much, that they didn't finish paying off this debt that they took out to free all these slaves, until 2015. So just 5 years ago, they finished paying that particular debt for freeing slaves. And it's not the only dbt either. That particular debt took all the way, 200 years, to pay off a debt it cost to free some slaves. Without a word of thanks. British people are blamed for all this slavery all around the world, but you didn't hear about all that did you? It just gets worse and worse. Of all the slaves that were taken from Africa, whatever means that they were taken through this or any other means, a lot of them died along the way. But who did they die from? They died from their slavers. Who were their slavers? Their own fellow Blacks, and more importantly the masterminds were Jews and Muslims. In fact the Islamic slave trade still operates today more than ever. And they are enslaving everywhere. Especially in the choke point between Africa and Europe. So of these slaves, 95% of those slaves didn't even make it into British North America. Most of them went everywhere. 40% of them went to the Caribbean. Only a small number actually went into British North America. And of those, the USA had this big war with Britain, and we're told the USA were the good guys, the British were the bad guys. Well actually a big motivation for the Americans was that they didn't want to pay the British back for what it cost them to build their country. And they just wanted to break away and cancel all the debts to pay, 'You're too far away, we don't own you shit, so just fuck off'. And it was largely based on greed. And I'mnot trying to knock America for that, because a lot of good things have happened from America. But the origin of it, was largely out of greed. It wasn't out of some moral cause. It was greed. It was independence, economic independence was what it was all about. They already had political independence. They just wanted to sto paying Britain back for what it cost to give them all the shit that they got. So, of America, America itself was split in two and they went into a civil war over this too. The north and the south. The only people who were actually pushing for slavery and had slaves were in the south. It wasn'ta northern thing. The north sacrificed countless lives to free what few slaves there were in the south. And at the height of slavery in the USA, only 5% of households had a slave. At the height of it. So many fucking lies. And these so called slaves, they weren't slaves. They were endentured servants. They were basically people who were extremely violent crimnals. Instead of going to prison and dying there, they were put into these rich people's homes. The top, the so called elite, they're the only one's who had a slave. And these slaves were not profitable. If you want a slave, you want a White person as a slave, because they can do shit. Black slaves don't do very much. Basically all they're good for is working out in the sun all day because they can stand out in the sun. So that really simple stuff out in the sun like picking apples and stuff, that's not work. It's really simple stuff. That's not carrying the weight of a nation. And the only people who really profit from that are greedy, top 1% corporations and stuff. They're the only people who really owned slaves. And most of them weren't mistreated. You hear about all these mistreated slaves being whipped and stuff like this. This was largely a South American thing. It happened a little bit in the south, but it wasn't widespread. The people shut that down when they started pushing it there. They shut it down. And if you want someone to blame for that, you can blame psychiatry and things like Sluggish Schizophrenia and Drapetomania. Drapetomania, I'll look at this right now, 'It was a conjectural mental illness in 1851. American physician Samuel A Cartwright hypothesised as the cause of enslaved Africans fleeing captivity'. So basically, Black slaves who wanted to be free, it was just a mental illness. And you just whip them. And that cures their mental illness. And it wasn't just for Black slaves, it was for other people too. And this was one of many things like Sluggish Schizophrenia. It's all Communist kind of stuff. This was not the vast majority of White people doing this. Everyone stood up against this shit and kept shutting this shit down. It's a cult. Psychiatry is a cult that works with the government to go above and beyond the law to make people disappear. I've gone over this before. And this was not widespread in North America. But they tried to make it the norm in North America and it was rejected for quite some time, until recent decades where they're pushing drugs and all this shit. Basically a chemical lobotomy and shit, really fucking sick shit I've gone into before. But this abuse of what few slaves went elsewhere, they were abused by the Spanish Empire, not the British Empire. Not the French. The Spanish. And it wasn't by White Spanish. Spain is supposed to be a White country, but it's been overrun by brown people who are Arab Muslims. This is why when you look at Spain now today it's all so brown. It's because these are invaders. These are Muslim invaders. Spain is 12km away from north Africa. There's a little choke point in there where the water goes in and out, and you can just go across there by the boat. So they kept doing this over and over, and invading Spain like this. And this is how Spain was repeatedly invaded. This is why you had the Spanish inquisition. It wasn't really a religious or a race based thing, it was just about trying to save themselves against invaders. To try and weed out the Muslims, whether they were brown or White converts or whatever. And this also included those who call themselves Jews. Basically, Muslims and Jews, who aren't a race, they largely swarm around certain gene pools but they're not a race. They are all the same ideology. Communism, Anarchism, and Islam, they're all actually the same ideology. I've gone over this before. So Spain was invaded over and over, and they fought back in justified self defence and purged the country of all these assassins who were going around killing countless lives every night. In the middle of the night going around killing for a shitload of time. they did this out of justified self defence, and it worked, and it gave them some freedom for a while. But then they eventually became overrun again. Especially since World War Two. But the Spanish Empire, they tried to branch out. So did the French and the British Empire. And the British Empire basically won. And it wasn't a violent war, it was more of exploring the new world and setting up new colonies and who was able to colonise these places. Now understand, these places were largely empty. Like north America, all these hundred million Indians. No, there was never 100 million Indians. There were 5 million Indians. Not 100 million. That's all lies too. The Indians were the ones who were genociding White people. The White people were actually the first people to America. And this is all with skull evidence and DNA evidence and stuff. And that's even been twisted out of context to try and make it appear something it's not. White people were the first people in America. Look at the Chinese mummies in China. They were White. White people were the first everywhere, they were all around the world. And they created all these civilisations, and then other people came, non-White people and they took over and killed everyone. There used to be not just one White race. There used to be many White races. In fact, you kind of might say there's at least two White races today. But they're largely about the same, you could identify them as one. There's two White species. I belong to one that's almost extinct. But there used to be many of them. And White was the default. There's an image here I can show. There's so many fucking lies here. So, White people are the one's who free slaves. They're not the slavers. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm feeling really sick, trying not to pass out, so let's have a go.

So look, here's some animals. What colour skin do they have? We're told this big lie that everyone was black. And then white was some kind of bastardised inbred recent abomination that's just happened. No no no, when human's had hair they had white skin. Most animals have white skin. The only time they don't have white skin is when they have evolutionary atrophy, where they have no cultural, evolutionary drives and stuff like that. And in the absence of them, the only thing that really adapts is skin colour changes as a last resort. Basically, if you don't evolve otherwise, then your skin colour will change as a last resort. Hair was an earlier evolution that happened before any of that stuff. But a long time passed, and all this hair, and then humans lost their hair and animals gain or lose hair depending on whether their hair changes between three phases, straight, wavy and fuzzy. The same with dogs, it doesn't matter what race you are, your hair texture changes with the weather really quickly. It's one of the fast evolutions that happen. But as you can see, animals have pink or white skin just like White people. The reason why White people kept their white skin and didn't go dark, is because they were under heavy evolutionary pressures and they had to learn how to adapt and maintain quality in their gene pool. This is why, as dificult as it is for a lot of people to face, White people have by far the highest IQ and competence. And no, Asians do not have a higher IQ than White people. It's misrepresenting the data. It's a long story, but it's not what it says. My genome, I come from a different White species that's almost extinct now. And as I said there used to be many. But my species, they have three times the average IQ of a typical Black person. Sometimes, certain groups even more. We're not talking like 5 or 10 percent IQ difference. We're talking like 300%, or something like 275% or something. But almost three times the IQ. Now, the Black IQ bell curve actually overlaps with Chimpanzees. I'm not saying there aren't smart genius-ey Black people. There are, but there's just not that many of them. And the average is really low. And I'm not saying anyone's retarded or anything like that. A White retard is the average IQ of about 70. But then, the average Black IQ is 67. Lower than a White retard. But if you speak to the Black person, he's fine. You speak to the retard, he's fucked up. In the same way, you speak to a dog or a cat or a Chimpanzee, they've got a lower IQ but they're not retarded. They're not dysfunctional. They're doing what they normally do. The White retard is broken in some way, whereas the Black one isn't. So you need to understand the factors involved. But having a lower IQ means you can understand a lot of things just fine, but there's certain things that you have trouble with. And one of those things is reading and writing. That's a big thing that requires higher natural IQ. It's not just IQ, it's also disposition. That's more important. But there are those, like in Australia, of the Aboriginal kind. A lot of them can't read or write. Even those who are cross breeds between Whites and Aborigines, still a lot of them have problems reading and writing. And obviously, they get an understandable complex about that, as anyone who can't read and write, regardless of where you come from. But a lot of these people, a very large portion of them, can't read or write. They just don't have what it takes. They can do other stuff just fine. But there's certain things they struggle with. And it's all put down to 'White racism'. It's just nonsense. But we're not the same. We're all very different. And the most important difference is in disposition. So with slavery, White people were not the slavers. They were the slaves, literally. And I'm going to show you. Just remember what I said before. It's a good argument to make is, when people go on about these lies about White slavery in order to justify their plunder and genocide of White people today, it's all a lie. It's all a Communist kind of lie. Refer them to what the British Empire did. They spent 200 years paying off a debt to slavers, to free Black slaves. It took them 200 years to pay it all off. And only 2015, a few years ago, they finished paying it off. So if we can go back to 2015, it might be on here (Wikipedia article). There we go, so - The British government had to take on a 15 million dollar loan, finalised in 1835, which is a different amount in dollars today. And there it says the Rothschilds and such. You see the Rothschilds involved in slavery. Paying off the Rothschilds, it's just fucking disgusting. But (it says), as you can see here it's a huge amount of money, that they never got a word of thanks for. But, this is just what the British Empire did for a bunch of Black slaves. Who knows what other Black slaves that they paid to free, and sacrificed their lives for. And what about India? They closed down the East India Trading Company because they were taking too much profit and abusing India eventually, because they got too greedy, because it had become so profitable. But what happened was Britain rebuilt India from the ashes after Muslims fucked them over, and they built India, and the built Hong Kong, they built everything. And they didn't do this through slavery. They paid to free slaves. And they built them all these civilisations and homes and stuff. Without a single word of thanks. And it all come out of their hard work. So when they rebuilt India, and their population just went out of control, because it was so far away, the East India Trading Company took on a lot of role of a lot of things and they became too political and money grubbing and stuff and started taking too much profit themselves. So Britain shut them down. And they said, 'Now look, India, you want to take over and start trying to do it for yourselves again? Be my guest, have a go'. And the first Indian government was like, 'We don't know what the hell we're doing, and we killed a bunch of innocent people in order to do it, but we're going to try it anyway'. And obviously they mega-failed. And Britain didn't stop helping, stop paying for India. India could only sustain itself all this time, even now, because the British Empire was paying them obscene amounts of resources and money. All this time. On top of taking 200 years to pay off the debts to free Black slaves, they were putting up obscene amounts, probably even more, to free India. Not a word of thanks, recognition. History has been rewritten and sudenly the people who freed the slaves are suddenly the bad guys. And the actual bad guys are just making up lies to greedily try and steal more from the hand that feeds them. So I haven't said this very well because I'm very sick and injured and shit. But I'll say it well enough that you'll get this information. Look it up and formulate your own way, to just get a couple of sentences, a paragraph that you can kind of quote, when people try to pull this shit. And you say this and just destroy them. They're fucking anti-White lies. They're just fucking greedy little bastards, criminal terrorist scum, who just need to die. Making up lies to justify theft and looting and shit.

OK, so the word slave. So let's look at the word slave. So if White people are the slavers of history, and we just pretend that everything I just said just never happened, let's look at the very word slave. From Etymonline, it's a good website even though it's not as good as it used to be. Political correctness has started to take over this website as well. Historical phrases have been rewritten in different wording and censored and stuff. But 'slave' - late 13 century, a person who is the chattel or property of another. but look, here we go, originally Slav. See Slav, which is Slav, you know the Slavic people? These are the people of North Eastern Europe, which account for pretty much everyone in Russia. A bunch of other smaller countries around the east side of Europe and stuff. These are Slavs, these are a group of White people, of the White race, called Slavs. So used in this secondary sense because of the many Slavs sold into slavery by conquering peoples. Very watered down wording there, what this really means is that the very word Slav, the original Slavic people became used in the context of slave, to say that Muslims were enslaving White people that much that the word Slav, they just called White people Slavs, as in slaves. It mean't slave. So the context of the word slave, the very history of the word slave comes from Muslims, brown Arab Muslims, enslaving White people, which they are doing rampantly today and worse. So the word slave, comes from Muslims enslaving White people, to the point where it's a reference to all White people as slaves. If you want to have a slave, if you want someone who will work hard and work very well, with limited resources necessarily invested, you want the smartest, the strongest. You don't want the weakest and the dumbest. This is why White people are the best slaves. And White people are not spontaneous and aggressive and violent and impulsive like others are. White people make the best slaves, the most profitable. Arab Muslims, they used to be very dark skinned. But they're a lot lighter today because they raped and enslaved so many White people. You don't think, Arab Muslims enslaved Blacks? And then they have, and you say that there's no trace of any Black people in Arab land. Well, there's a reason. They chopped off all their dicks and shit. That's why there's no traces left. They rampantly enslaved Blacks. Jews and Muslims, which are technically the same people, they're not a race or even a single ideology, but they're a tree of messed up ideologies and religions, all Communists and Anarchist crap, they're the one's who enslaved Whites and Blacks, but Whites more than anyone. And these are the people who are orchestrating these dumbass Black thugs looting and attacking. And it's not just Blacks, it's a minority of White Communists and stuff, they're the bigger problem. The Black thugs, they're just like the sacrificial pawns in this shit. And it's sad to see them throw their lives away, but if you're that greedy and selfish and dishonest that you're just going to do this shit, you don't deserve to live. You need to die, otherwise you'll destroy the world. You need to die. But the worst of all, are actually the minority of White people who pretended to change their race. These Communist types, the Anarchists. Basically it works in levels. Anarchists are like low level, pretty much drug fucked Communists who, they're too far gone to be able to even understand anything political. They're just like the grunts. And then those who are a little bit more functional, they're able to at least organise a bit, at least to a degree, they're the Communists. They're still fucked up, on drugs and shit like thus, but they're the Communists. The one's who are at least functional to a degree to serve a purpose. And so basically Anarchists are the baby version of Communists. And should anyone progress along that path, Anarchists will always evolve into Communism. Just like a caterpillar to a butterfly. They are the same ideology. There's no other destination, because a caterpillar doesn't turn into a fly, a dog or a cat. It turns into a butterfly, always. You can't just change that, because that's what it is. It may not seem like that at first when it's in one stage, but that is what it is. So much to say here. I can produce so much statistics.

Before I produce statistics, if anyone doesn't know this. You should know this by now. George Floyd, he was a serial criminal, drug addict, he spent a lot of time in prison, not being persecuted but being the persecutor. He was a criminal who at one stage apparently did ahome invasion with a gun and held a pregnant woman up to rob her in her own home. Typical scumbag who deserves to die anyway. I'm not saying that the other guy, the White guy isn't a bad guy. He clearly is, but the situation is not what it's being portayed to be. I'm sure, if anyone doesn't know, it's all starting to come out anyway so, you'll find that out anyway. If you look around, it's all available, but it probably isn't that wellknown yet. So you got, Michael Brown. It turns out, you see footage later on after all these riots and shit, it turns out he's just another thug scumbag criminal going around pushing people around stealing cigarettes and shit like this and being violent. You know, all these Black heroes, innocent victims of 'White racism', and then it comes out later after all the riots and shit that, oh no no this guy was just a complete fucking scumbag who didn't deserve to live anyway. And oh, hang on, it wasn't even a White person who did it. In fact in this latest one, 50% of the people there were, of the police officers, weren't even White. And the other one there was a question mark over his head. So anywhere between 25 and 50% of them were White. It was just one picture of one of them with his knee on him, while it was a little group organisation thing, and basically a bunch of criminals fighting each other and shit as always. So let's get some statistics.

Some USA statistics. I've got so many of them here, but I'll just do a few of the more important ones. I got so much here. These are statistics I've done myself and I compiled that. And, these one's here, I've done the graphics for them basically. But I've had to interpret data properly. I had to go through data in more detail than simple just reading a webpage, because things are relabelled. They're not labelled right, and you have to go through definitions and you have to go find cross references and shit. There's a lot in order to get these graphs up to show the data properly. Because they deliberately don't label race in certain statistics. Even though they have the data, in many cases they're not even allowed to show that data on the public record. So they have to label it as something else. Sometimes, they'll just label it with a different name or sometimes they'll put it into a secondary group. And it's always one sided to try and make it out to add to White people's crimes and add to the Black victims, to try and misrepresent words and stuff. But it's that bad that you can't make it much better than it is. Let's find a few here.

Here we go, let's go drunkenness. Ok, so drunkenness. So in the USA. So, White people, well, as you know, White people evolved with alcohol. It's a part of their culture and they evolved an evolutionary adaption to alcohol, that they don't lose their shit over it. Unfortunately, others are different. They don't have any history with alcohol. And Asians, they can't even digest it. Did you know Asians have real big problems with alcohol? Blacks, obviously being impulsive as they are, they get very violent and it's a big concern. Even if you're like 25% Black, especially if you're Aboriginal even worse, bad shit happens. So people just can't handle it, the alcohol. But White people evolved with alcohol culturally and stuff like that for a long time. So they don't lose their shit as much. And they're also not naturally impulsive as others are. So they don't have a big problem. But, despite that, being drunk can be an arrestable offence. Even if you haven't done anything wrong, 'Ah, you're drunk, you shouldn't be here, we need to take you away' kind of shit. I don't agree with that, but this is what happen, and it's quite widespread. As you can see, White people are arrested more than Blacks. And you can see that there. But if you look at it, they're actually underrepresented slightly compared to Blacks overrepresented. See, the crime versus the population? Basically, in the graphs here, you see crime and population. The population is the percentage of the total. And then, the crime is the percentage of the total. So basically on here, you'll see the left one, if it's lower than the right one, it's underrepresented. But if the left one's higher than the right one, it's overrepresented, if you can read this data. So Asians, obviously Asians they're doing quite well there. They're rarely arrested for drunkenness. Well, Asians are very secretive and stuff. SO they don't go publically drinking and stuff because they're always self aware, cautious. They're overly cautious. Whereas Blacks are the opposite. They'll put themselves in stupid danger and get themselves killed doing something really stupid. Whereas Asians are always looking around the corner and stuff. White people are a little bit more closer to Blacks in that regard, but still you see Asians are actually underrepresented, Whites are underrepresented, and Blacks are overrepresented. But, you can see, White people are arrested far more than Blacks. And the ratio between Blacks and Whites here, despite one's overrepresented one's underrepresented, it's not that big. As you can see, more White people are getting arrested for drunkenness. Not for doing any crime apart from just being drunk. This is not being drunk driving or violent or stuff. This is just being drunk. So it's not necessarily a bad thing or a crime or anything. But, as you can see, more White people are arrested for drunkenness than Blacks. Clearly this is not a Black discrimination thing there. If you want to say it's discrimnation, maybe White discrimination. But Blacks are, per capita, a little bit overrepresented. But not much. When it comes to alcohol being a common problem especially with Blacks and being violent with alcohol, not being evolutionary adapted to it, it makes sense that they would naturally be overrepresented. And they should be overrepresented more than they actually are in the statistics. It's because, no-one's brave enough to arrest a Black person, especially a drunk Black person, because they'll pull out a knife or a gun, call you racist, and even if you survive you'll lose your job and you'll have thugs coming after you. I'm not defending the police, I've got a shitload of bad to say about the police too. They deserve even worse, the police. They're even worse than the thugs. But when it comes to this here, this isn't anti-Black racism. And if you interpret the data properly, it's even moreso White people are kind of being persecuted a bit more. But here's one of the statistics where you say, where White people are getting arrested more. The one statistic where White people are getting arrested a lot more than Blacks, in the USA. Let's go find another one.

We'll just go embezzlement. There we go, embezzlement. Look at Blacks vs Whites. Look at the underrepresentation and the overrepresentation embezzlement. You can't say that embezzlement of all things is going to be anything to do with race discrimination (ie Whites against Blacks). Nah, this is people doing bad shit, caught doing it. Wasn't the one I was going to show, but just I got so many of these. You can see how overrepresented they are. It's pretty bad. Bad let's go to the one I wanted to show.

Now, here's one I wanted to show. Car theft. As if we didn't know what this one would be like. But hey, despite White people being so much of the population, they're very underrepresented compared to Blacks being massively overrepresented. However, as it turns out, White people because they are the majority of the population, do steal a little bit more cars in total than the others. But per capita or whatever you want to call it, they're obviously very underrepresented compared to Blacks. Obviously we know. This is Black, White and Asians. So we're not counting Muslims and stuff like that, which obviously when it comes to Australia, Muslims run all the car theft rings. Muslims run it with the police, it's a police and Muslim terrorist operation. Co-conspirator thing that goes on between New South Wales police and Muslims in Australia. But we're doing this in America. It's America's problem here. We got forgery, fraud, it's all pretty much the same kind of shit. I just wanted to show a couple of really bad ones though, the one's that matter though.

Gambling. Gambling is the one that shows people are greedy. Gambling is a measure of a group of people's greed. And if they're greedy, they cannot be trusted, and they're going to do a lot of other crime. They're going to exploit you and stuff. So gambling is a way to measure a person's intent and this poisition. And look at this. Look how underrepresented White people are. Massively underrepresented. Now look at Blacks and Asians, they are both overrepresented, compared to Whites. if you want to have equality here, the left and right graph should kind of match. So if you want equality, then we need to get a lot of White people doing more crimes, and Black people doing less crimes so we can get equal. So why aren't White people looting Black people, like the Black people are saying to loot White people? Well I'm not proposing it, but if they want equality that's what they're going to have to do. Look how bad that is. This is gambling crimes. This is people gambling away their life savings, maybe a bit of theft involved, and gambling problems and crimes and stuff related to gambling. These are crime statistics, so this is gambling crime. Now as we all know, Asians have their little secret. Asians get away with a lot of things, they're more cunning about it. Blacks are more direct, and they don't think it through, and they get caught. So Asians are actually underrepresented, as in their crime rate is a lot lower than it should be. It should be higher, but they just don't get caught because they're more cunning about it. Look at the White versus Black there. It speaks for itself. Is this White people being greedy? What is this, White greed that Obama talked about? I can show so much videos, I can show you a hundred hours of shit I've compiled everywhere. But just look at that, it's how bad it is, it speaks for itself. Is it White people, or is it Black people who are being the problem? And I'm not saying all Blacks. People like Jesse Lee Peterson, I respect the guy even if I disagree with a lot of stuff he says, it's a bit messed up and crazy, but his heart's in the right place. And he at least understands enough that he's not blaming White people for everything. And he's telling his own people to own their shit and stop making excuses. They're the problem. He's actually trying to help his own people, and obviously he gets persecuted by his own people. Look into his stuff, he's a Christian Pastor, Black dude in America. And despite how many messed up things he says, some of it's a bit of an Alex Jones play, but it's worth looking into. But he's one of the few Black people I respect. And it's nothing to do with him being Black, it's about right and wrong. Basically, when you talk about right and wrong, we all know that the distribution of good and evil is very different in different groups of people, whether it be race or sex, or even with different ideologies. We're not all equal, we're very different, very very different. So here we go, let's go the next one.

Gangs. Gangs, look at that. Asians are a little bit overrepresented. It's hard to measure them in the USA because they're such a low number, and there's a lot of other political correctness stuff with Indians and stuff like that too, that's another story. But look at the Black to White. I'm really meanly looking at the Black and White here. You know, all these White races right? Where's all these White gangs? We've got all these Black gangs doing all these driveby's and shit. Yeah, they don't get counted with the mass shootings, you know? All these driveby's, they don't get counted. But, we'll get to that, murder. Look at that, gangs. It's midnight, you're walking down the street, and a couple of White people are walking by, or a couple of Black people are walking by, do you react the same with both? Or, maybe one group you'll walk the other way or the opposite side of the road, and the other ones you might just walk by and say hello. Do you know, the things that White people aren't allowed to say is, if they're a pair of Black dudes, I'm walking the other way. But if they're Black women, no problem. They don't think the Black women are going to rob them. But if it's a pair of young Black guys, yeah I'm out of there. You know who votes the most on doing that choice? Black dudes. Black dudes are Black dudes, they know other Black dudes because that's what they are. They know not to trust other Black dudes, because that's what they are. They know damn well what they're thinking and what their impulses are, and what they're inclined to do. Not all of them. But, chances are, if you go swimming in a pool with a crocodile, you're going to get bit. So this is why Black people want to be around White people, is they want to get away from their own people and they want to be around people they trust. And the truth is, most Black people actually trust White people more than their own people. They know, they hate themselves for it. Instead of offering a way to better themselves, it's all set up to make them actually worse and hate themselves, and try to turn them into these very thugs. And those who even try, they're just cut down. These gangs, is a huge Black problem. Look at the representation, over and under representation there. It's huge. Whose fault is that? Is it White man's fault that he doesn't hang gangs? And then Black people go around in all these gangs looting and raping and beating people up and murdering them and shit? They've got a whole empire of music that's all about hoes and money and gangs and guns. And then as soon as someone gets shot, they cry like a baby. Just look at these statistics man. Is this White privilege and White racism? if anyone can define what racism is, I'll try to remember to define that actually. I get banned from Youtube over and over for trying to define racism. Banned by Jewish supremacists. Not just them, but also Muslims and Indians. But also Jewish supremacists, and I've got a history with them. Fucking terrorists, scumbags. So we got gangs.

Illegitimacy. This is a big one. You know, all these Black Lives Matter. Well, acording to Black lives, especially Black men, Black lives don't matter. They're not just murdering each other, look they abandon their own children. Almost all of them are fatherless. Whose fault is that? This is what I said before, Jesse Lee Peterson. A Black man that I don't necessarily agree with a lot of things he says, but some things I do agree with, the most important stuff. And I believe his heart's in the right place. And this is what he focuses on heavily. And he's right to do so. Illegitimacy rate. They're all fucking hypocrites. The go around about Black lives. Well start at home. Why are you abandoning your own children? I could say a lot worse than that, regarding them and their children. But look at their illegitimacy rate. This isn't per capita, because this is a single system thing. So I've done it two, with one White Native and White immigrant, and Black. So this is important. Look at the native and immigrant ratio OK. So, the lowest of all, is a White native. A native is one who has at least been there for several generations, and who's born in there. They're born into it all and their parents have all fully, so you know probably, typically at least three generations. Sometimes less if you're really hardcore into being a part of the culture. but typically three generations or more. So you got a White native versus a White immigrant. So, if you were to import into the USA, if you were to import other White people, they're going to have a higher illegitimacy rate. And this is parallel. All these statistics parallel to each other. So if they've got a higher illegitimacy rate, then they're probably going to have more crime, more gangs, more murder, more gambling, all these things that I'm showing. They typically match. So someone who's been in America for generations compare to another White person who comes from whereever in the world migrates into it, it looks like the natives, the people who have been there in America for a longer time, it's not a good idea to import White people. Even White people, it's not a good idea. Even though they're still really low compared to everyone else, they're more of a problem than the typcial USA White people. So basically the lower class White people are the ones moving into America. The criminals, the drug addicts and stuff like that. But it's not that bad. There's a big difference between them, but they're still both low. And if you measure the White immigrant to the others, you'll see it's still around the bottom end. But compared to a White native, there's a big difference. I wouldn't say it's a problem, because they're still both low, but it is worth noting. There is a big difference there. But then you go to Blacks and Asians. Look at Asians. Asians are the other way to Whites. So Asian natives versus Asian immigrants. Well it looks like the immigrants are actually better off than the ones who have been there for generations. So when it comes to Asians, and the Blacks are doing the same thing, the recent Asians and the recent Blacks, the ones who have just moved in there, they're the most well behaved. And they're so well behaved that they're actually kind of close to being in parallel with Whites. SO people who are living in Nigeria, and they've just moved in the past 5 years, they know that they came from a really fucked up place, into something that's so much better. And then this is what they do, especially when it comes to people from Nigeria, like real actual Blacks, not like 30% Black but they think they're Black but they're not. These are the actual Blacks in Africa, hate the African Americans. And one of the reasons they hate them, is their fucking attitude. For so long they've had a free ride for life, and they live on all these lies. These Blacks that have just recently arrived, they don't have big problems. Look how low the Black immigrant is with the illegitimacy. It's still a bit of a problem obviously. It's different than Whites, even Asians. But the White immigrant and Black immigrant are almost on par. Basically what this shows is that these Black immigrants, the recent ones who move into America, they know the deal, they know what's going on, and they hate the other so called Blacks in America. They hate them. They're a disgrace. What this shows is Blacks and Asians, it shows that they are the ones who have the privilege. For countless generations they'e got a free ride for life, and they throw around the race card to get a free ride for life. They don't better themselves. They abandon their children. Just greedily take whatever they want. They'e got no culture apart from just being greedy and stealing and shit. And getting free shit by calling White people racist. They don't even know what the word means. It's just to get free shit. So the Black and Asian, the anti-White stuff. The Blacks and Asians have the same pattern there. The White is an inverted pattern. And look at obviously the worst, it stands out on a tower. The big tower in the middle there, the Black native. The one who's been there for many generations. These so called Black slaves. I went over that before, White people didn't do that. White people gave them everything they ever had, every step of the way, without a word of thanks, and they just bite the hand that feeds them and demand more. Look at the Black native illegitimacy rate. And the fact is the Black immigrant isn't so bad. He's on par with the White immigrant. This isn't a 'White racism' or 'White privilege' problem. No no no. The Black immigrants are pretty much agreeing. They are pretty much on White people's side here with this. Like, 'You bastards have been here for a couple of centuries. You're lying, greedy fucking scumbag thugs'. And not all of them of course, but the vast majority of them. And it's 70, probably up to 80 or something now, but this was measured here it was 77% or something. I actually had to morph the graph just to fit it, because it's higher than it says here. Just compare the Black native to the Black immigrant. It should be the other way around. But no, it's that way around because of Black privilege. That's why it's that way around. Asian privilege. It's not White privilege. Understand these statistics, what the mean. Let's go along, illegitimacy rate. We'll just do a couple more. There's so much I could say here, but I was going to do a big long video. I just wanted to do a couple.

Here's another one. Liquor, with alcohol. Liquor laws. So, this might be thinks like maybe 17 year olds having bourbon. It's kind of like a cultural thing in the USA. They have a ridiculous age of 21 drinking laws. In Australia, it's 18. So, you're 18 in Australia, you go on a holiday to the USA, and it's 'Oh, I'm not allowed to drink there, what the hell!? I've been drinking for 3 years'. And in other places in Europe, there's no drinking laws. But in the USA it's really high at 21. So, a lot of White people get in trouble. They don't do any crimes, and they drink. And I showed before. But still, with the drunkenness and the liquor laws, you can see White people actually overrepresented, almost the same as Blacks. And not just overrepresented, how many arrests compared to Blacks. And White people are, not always, but usually a problem when you see a White person drunk and chances are it's going to be fine. A Black person's drunk, a much bigger chance there's going to be a problem. There can still be a prolem either way, or it could be OK. But the percentage risk difference is huge. So despite that, look how many White people are getting arrested compared to Blacks when it comes to liquor laws, and the actual frequency between per capita is almost identical. So understand what these statistics show.

So, we got mass shootings. This is a big one. This is one of the one's I wanted to show. So, look at all these White crime compared to Black crime. Oh, look at how many White people! Mass shootings, all these White people! Well, a lot of these, this isn't counting Muslims and stuff which account for the vast majority. And a lot of them actually get deliberately counted as White. But regardless, White people are still the majority, right? Still a majority. And there's a lot of tweaking and corruption in these statistics to buff the White one and lower the Black one. Because they label everyone as White. Even Blacks get labelled as White in certain scenarios. But still, remember White people are a lot higher in number than Blacks and Asians. Look at the underrepresentation, and the overrepresentation. As it shows, per capita, White people are underrepresented, while Blacks and Asians are both overrepresented. So what this means is, if you were to take one White person, one Black person, one Asian person. According to the statistics, what are the percentages? You know nothing about them, what is the percentage change that this person is going to be a mass shooter? The White person has the lowest chance. So when these liars, these anti-White scumbag genocidal liars who just need to die because genocide is a crime justified in self defence. When two cannot co-exist, and one is hellbent on genociding you and promoting all these lying propaganda to justify it, they have to die asw an act of self defence. If you don't, you are guilty of genocide yourself. You must act in self defence of the innocent and vulnerable, or you are an accessory in the crime. Doing nothing makes you an accessory to the crime in certain scenarios. But in every scenario, actively taking part in it foolishly, it's too late buddy. You do the deed, you own the fucking consequences. And you should have thought before you did it. But as you see with the mass shootings, people say, 'There's been this year 10 mass shootings that have been White persons, only two of them have been Black'. But then if you look, read the statistics properly, you'll see per capita White people are less likely than Blacks. And these statistics here are actually rigged, because they deliberately hide the race statistics and they count Muslim Arabs, they count them as White. Sometimes Black people get counted as White as well and stuff like that. They try and spin them as much as they can. And they relabel the naming of things. And this is one that was difficult to try and fix the statistics up. So I just left it as it was at the default, and it still shows Whites are underrepresented and Blacks are overrepresented when it comes to mass shootings. So Blacks, per person, are doing more mass shootings than Whites. And this doesn't count driveby's which obviously is a big thing when it comes to Black thugs and stuff like this. I've got to remember to do the other statistics, it's important.

So, we got murder. Alright, murder. Look at that. Now, Asians are underrepresented, but they're a low number. You've got to remember, it's a whole different story there. It's not what it looks like. They're so low number, let's put them aside. Let's do the White versus Black. Look at that man. When it comes to close to murder, you got manslaughter, you got basically retarded for the rest of their lives who don't quote die. There's a lot of other things involved here, but this is just murder. Cold blooded murder. Look at the underrepresentation and the overrepresentation here between Black and White. Is this 'White racism' and 'White privilege' that White people aren't murdering? That Black people are murdering. Are Black people murdering White people's fault, is it? If a White person in a White neighbourhood doesn't have to go around at night worrying about being shot. Well they do, they're worried about being shot by Black immigrants. Not imigrants as in international immigrants. As in within their nation, from Black communities, ghetto's and stuff. Because the good Blacks are trying to get away from the bad Blacks, to live among White people where they know they're safe. But the bad Blacks end up doing it as well, and White people are scared of being shot by them. That's why they have a justified fear of being shot by Blacks. And they're not just shooting White people, they're shooting each other more than anything. We'll get to the real statistics on that too. You can see, massively underrepresented and massively overrepresented. When people are doing crime, you blame the perpetrator. No-one else made you do it. White people aren't responsible for Black crimes. White people aren't responsible for managing 'Black culture'. It is their business and their responsibility and their's alone. The same with White people. You leave my culture alone, I leave your culture alone. If you want to borrow stuff from my culture and say, 'Hey, I think I can do my own verison of that'. That's all good, it's a good thing. But don't say you made it. Like dreadlocks. White people aren't allowed to wear dreadlocks. White people invented dreadlocks! It's not Black culture. That's a recent thing that Blacks copied from Whites. Rap music, Black? No no no. Skeltonic verse, White person, John Skelton made that. All this stuff, all this 'Black culture' was made by White people. And it's OK for them to copy, it's a good thing for them to copy and put their own twist on it. But don't lie about it and say this is yours, you invented this. You didn't invent it, you copied White people, and you don't own it. You're copying White people and pretendint that it's yours. Your whole culture is actually based on White culture. If any Blacks want their culture, go to Africa and learn it there. It may not be as pretty as White culture that you're used to, but at least it's more closer to what's yours. If you want to learn from White people, that's fine. Just don't pretend, don't lie about it. It's good to learn from each other, to compare and see what works and what doesn't. As long as you don't lie about it. So, there's so many statistics I just want to show a couple of bad ones.

Here we go, prostitution and commercialized vice. As you can see, underrepresented, overrepresented, but both represented there. You know, that's not a surprise. as you know, the whole meme of the whole pimp culture. It's a Black thing. And I'm not saying all Blacks do it because there's some Black communities that are a totally different world from that. But, there's a big overall difference, as you can see.

Now this wasn't the one I'm looking for either, but as you can see (rape). I can go through tonnes of these. As you can see, it's the same pattern. It's the same predictable pattern.

Here's a big one, here's one of the ones I wanted to show you. Robbery. I'm scared a Black dudes going to mug me. Am I racist in doing that? Because Black dudes are scared of Black dudes mugging Black dudes more than anyone. Because they're Black dudes, they know, they live around this stuff and they know this is what happens. This is why a lot of them want to leave into White places to get away from their own people. Because they don't trust their own people. And I don't blame them. Unfortunately, a lot of them want to get away from their own people, they want to get out of the hood. But they go build another hood, they just want to go do the same thing everywhere without any competition. A lot of them, not all of them, but a lot of them are just hypocrites. Look at these robbery statistics. The underrepresentedation and the overrepresentation here, with the Black and White. Whose fault is that? Is it still always the victim's fault? Look at this and understand. What these statistics are showing. So many statistics here. Sex offences, theft, vagrancy, vandalism.

Violent arson? Because that's an important one because of recent events. Underrepresented, overrepresented. But when it comes to the actual crime, they're actually not that far away from each other. And I might add that I think the vast majority of White crime when it comes to arson, even though they're massively underrepresented compared to massively overrepresented with Blacks, despite that the White crime, I suspect most of it is being done by Anarchists and Communists, which are the same ideology. Let's just call it Communism. This is done by Communists and I have a lot of history with these people. I was never a Communist, I'm not saying that. But I have a history dealing with these people. Total fucking scum. Traitors of the worst kind. They are the biggest threats. All these Black thugs and stuff, they're not organised. Someone else is organising them, and the people who are organising them are typically White Communists. And they're throwing away these Black lives. They're too impulsive to think for themselves. They get a little bit of greed, and they're not innocent. You know, if you're stupid and greedy enough to fall for this shit, you deserve what's coming to you. But unfortunately, these Blacks they don't have their roots into any soil that they can learn morals off. They don't many if any good influences to lead them in a better direction. And these White Communists are exploiting them and using them as pawns to attack their own people and exploit their own people. And they often change their race, and they call themselves things like Jews and stuff like that. They just make up names to pretend that they're not White. And these are the worst scum of the world, these White Communists. These are the ones behind all these Black Lives Matter kind of shit. I know Black Lives Matter started as a bunch of Black lesbians and stuff, LGBT statistics, I'm not even allowed to show them. But I'm sure you get what I could show if I did. I could get into brain statistics and stuff, I won't go there in this video. It will get banned definitely for that. The world's not ready for that yet. But it's White Communists who are doing this and these Blacks who are not thinking for themselves, who have never had any good influences in their lives. They're just being used as sacrificial pawns to throw their lives away doing stupid shit, for traitors. See, these Black thugs, they're not Communists. But they're working with these Communists, and thinking that they'll get something out of it. They're throwing their lives away, because of these fucking Communists. And there's Communists in all kinds of genetic groups, but the problem ones, the ringleaders, are actually a small minority of Whites. They are the worst threat. They are a small minority of Whites. But they usually don't even identify as White. They're White traitors, and they pretend to be someone else. And they typically associate with Communists. Even if they say they're not a Communist, you ask them a few questions, you'll get it straight away. They're Communists pretending they're not. I do this all the time, I expose these little fuckers every time, and the same predictable pattern of behaviour. You can spot one out from a mile away. But these White Communists are the ones who are leading these Blacks astray and using them as sacrificial pawns. I've said before, I don't want it to happen this way, but unfortunately I don't see any other way out of it. A lot of Blacks are going to die. It's not necessarily going to be a race war. It's going to be a lot of things related to race, but as I've said it's going to be a war from within each nation. And race may be a part of it, but that will eventually, after a lot of suffering, it's going to change into the true colours of this. Once a lot of people start dying, they're going to realise that they've been lied to and they're not going to win. They've been lied to and they're going to start owning their shit. And the true colours of the true sides are going to start coming through. Once the Black survivors who didn't throw their lives away, once they get what's going on and that they need to actually protect White people, the only people who have actually ever helped them, the only people who if White people die they die with them. So, it's in their own best interest to protect White men. Once Blacks start protecting Whites from this genocide and acknowledging the genocide and stepping up to do something for someone else, that's when the solution really starts to work. Not when Whites reach out to Blacks. No, thye've done that all along. When Blacks start reaching out to Whites and taking the bullet for Whites. That's when things start to change for the better. Unfortunately, a lot of Blacks are going to have to die in the process. And all these smarter Blacks and those who have some kind of morals, they say about the majority, they say the same thing, they're the ones who say this more than others. The Blacks who actually have hope for a future, they want all these thugs, this scum, to die, so that they have a chance. Because the moment any one of these Blacks tries to better themselves, they get shut down. They often get killed by their own people. This is where a lot of this murder happens. So anyone who tries to actually get out of the hood, and tries to better their surroundings, they just get swarmed on by a bunch of scumbag gangsters. This is what's fucked up their culture and evolution for a long time. It's why they've got these long term problems. The White people didn't do this. It's choices they made in an evolutionary environment a long time ago. Unfortunately it doesn't match the current civilisation and everything very well at all. And the only way forward unfortunately has to go through a lot of suffering at least in the short term. But there's going to be a lot of long term work to find their way again. It can happen, but unfortunately I don't see how it's going to happen without a lot of them dying. So what do we got, Arson, and what else we got.

Weapons carrying/possessing crimes. This is one of the ones they say is a race crime. But look at the crime rates when it comes to gun crime and stuff like this. George Floyd was the Black hero, the innocent Black hero. As it turns out, like every one of these, he was a serial criminal who did all these vile things, like breaking into a pregnant woman's home with a gun pointed at her to mug her in her own home. Just one of many things he has done. And all the drugs and shit. Typical one of these thugs. Not to defend the police, but there's more to that situation. It's not what it's made out to be. But what I say is that the police are even worse than the thugs, than these Black Lives Matter scumbags, terrorist thugs. The police are worse than that. I've got no pity for either side. I want them both to do what they do. The chaos that has to happen for what comes next, bring it on. They will try this, they will try that, it will get worse, the flood will come. And then things start happening later. Unfortunately, it has to happen this way. Didn't have to if people stepped up to their responsibilities, but no-one did. No-one did. I can solve all this. Even now, I could solve all this even now. Even now, I could stop all the deaths that are going to happen. I could stop it, but you won't let me. You, all of you, won't let me. You won't help me, you won't let me. So, I could show so many statistics. There's a couple more I wanted to show. Let's have a look. I'll do the BLM one, where is it.

Look at this. According to 2010 National Crime Victimization Survey. So basically 62,593 Blacks were the victim of White violence. And 320,082 Whites were the victims of Black violence. Now realise that the Black population is a lot less than the White population. You need to multiply that ratio even more, and it starts becoming huge. And that's the first one of three. We'll go to the second one. I'm doing a piss poor job here, I'm just winging it. Seriously, I'm almost bleeding out and shit. I've got injuries, wounds all over me and shit. I've got bruising and nerve damage and shit. The injuries are going to be fine, it's the terminal fatal injuries I suffered a while back, that's whats going to kill me. But those injuries, these should be fine. So, with these numbers Blacks commit 5 times more violence against Whites than Whites do to Blacks. Is that somehow White racism against Blacks, or are Blacks massively, 5 times? No, it gets worse than that. But this figure is misleading because the population for Whites and Blacks are not the same. If you account for that, it's like 197 million to 30 million. Yeah, so if you account for that, we'll go to the next one. As it turns out, Blacks commit 25 times the race crimes than Whites do. 25 times! Not like 5 or 10 percent more. No no, no no. 25 times, 2500 percent. That's an epidemic. That's a genocidal level of crime. But it's worse than that. When it comes to a specific kind of assault, aggravated assault, Blacks commit 200 times the race crimes than Whites do! So here's my point. So all these Blacks, who do not represent every Black, I'm actually trying to defend the one's who are salvagable. The unsalvagable ones, and the same with Whites, the Communists and stuff. The unsalvagable, the doomed, condemned ones. They just need to be wiped out. This is why. They don't want to talk about their problems. They don't want to debate. They want control. They want to enslave Whites, and plunder and loot whites. And once there's nothing left to take, to kill all Whites as they do along the way. And Whites are almost extinct. They're halving each generation. They are a tiny global minority, much less than Blacks globally. Whites are the global minority. They're not the majority, they're the minority. So 200 times, in their own country. This is a White country, made by White people. Blacks aren't the builders of civilisation. They don't have any civilisation, outside the semi-civilisations that White people recently made for them. White people did all these civilisations, and White people built America. Black people didn't. White people did. No-one else did. So you're living in someone else's country getting free shit, and committing 200 times the race crimes and crying victim. Look, everyone knows this shit but they don't know the details. They don't know actual statistics. But you hear this, you hear this on the news. It's breaking through different news networks here and there too. But it's so bad. I could just show so many statistics. So we got 200 times. I was going to do, that's what I was going to do, OK. So this is actually worse, this is from a number of years ago. So the statistics are even worse now. Let me just find it, where is it, there.

Here we go. Current population, this is a bit out of date so it's even more skewed. So Mongoloid, which is Asian, this is the actual proper scientific term for this. So you got Mongoloid, Negroid and Caucasoid. Asian, Black and White. The word Negroid just means Black in Spanish. For someone to be that racist that their very name is banned because they hate themselves so much you're not even allowed to say. White, even saying the word White is racist too. It's all bullshit, it's all the deletion of history. They're trying to delete and rewrite history by censoring words and vandalising and destroying every trace of it. They've been doing this for a long time. All history as you know it is a fucking lie. But Whites are supposedly the majority. I ask people this all the time. I say, 'How many White people do you think are in this country or in the world? How many percentage?'. And they say this huge percentage and stuff. It's way out of sync. It's probably as low as 1-2 percent at this point. But Asians make up more than half of the world population. More than half. So when you got places like China, you got this massive population problem, it really is a massive problem. And it's getting worse. It's not getting better, it's getting worse. So Blacks make up 14 percent, but that's misleading because they're not typically counted very well. There's more of them than there seems, that's counted. They kill each other. I said before, 200 times the race crime. That's just against Whites. The majority of Black crime is not against Whites, despite the massive race difference in crime. Most of the crime they do is to each other. So if you take 200 times the race crime against Whites, but then you might multiply that by another 10 times to themselves, they're killing each other left right and center. This is not White people's problem. It's theirs, own their shit. Solve this shit yourself. I can't solve it. White people shouldn't. It's not their problem, they have no right to intervene. You need to solve this. You need to go separate yourselves from White people, sort your shit out, then come to the table when you're grown up. And you sort your shit out. Don't bring your problems to other people's countries. Go find a little seclusion area. Sort your shit out. Once you do, then you can come to the big boys table again. They're killing each other, left right and center. And they have the highest birthrate of all mankind, with an average of something like 8. The birthrate of Whites is the lowest of all mankind. And it's far below the maintenence level. Some say it's too late to fix it, that's bullshit. But Whites have the lowest and Blacks have the highest. And it's something like 4-8 times. Let's just round it off to 5-10 times the children that Whites have. But because they're killing each other so much, that's what culls their numbers down. And unfortunately, this is how they naturally are. They don't belong, they didn't evolve in civilisations or anything. They evolved in the jungle in tribal warfare. And not all of them were, there's difference between different Black grouips too, some very big differences. But on average, there's a lot of tribal warfare and cannibalism and stuff that goes on in their natural environment. This is why they're so territorial. The territorial nature is in its rightful place. It's a good thing. But mixed with other problems in the current situation, it's just toxic as fuck. And it's just mass killing and gangs and shit. Look, these Blacks that do these gangs, they have this evolutionary drive to be a part of their community and patrol the borders of their tribe. And seek out nearby tribes and determine a threat based on an evolutionary imprint that they're meant to recognise. And it's all misfiring. They don't know how to interpret this shit, and all these desires and pressures to do this and that. And they don't understand it. They want to be violent, they don't know why, and they can't sort it out. And it's not just Blacks. Pacific Islanders have what they call the warrior gene. It's nothing to do with a warrior at all, it's actually quite nasty. It's involved in cannibalism and tribal warfare all the same. But the thing is, in the Pacific Islands there's Whites, Asians and Blacks. And cross breeds between the three. All lived in the Pacific Islands. And they all evolved these same cannibalistic disposition. Some of them came to be naturally morbidly obese. Others became massively muscular. And this is a really fast evolution that happened in every one of these groups, in a very harsh competitive evolutionary environment, where there was a competition for resources. And they had to kill and eat the nearby tribe before they consumed the island. It was a battle for resources. Blacks in Africa, they didn't battle over resources. They battled over territory, over rich resources, the fertile lands. They have a history and they are this way for a reason. Some of the reasons are a bit messed up, some of them are OK in their natural environment. But it doesn't fit todays civilisation kind of world. If you're denying them what they are, you can't just use psychiatry to drug them and turn them into fucking mindless zombies. They're still going to do it, no matter what. They're just going to be less coherent and more violent about it, because you can't mind control people like this. No matter how much you try, they're going to resist and they're going to do it even more. See, White people are denied what they are, Black people are denied what they are, and we're told to be this or that. And it just goes against their nature. What do you expect? They're going to do this. Blacks have the highest birthrate of all, and if they did stop killing each other, they would very quickly need to sort out this population problem, the birthrate problem, because look at all this illegitimacy. They're still doing all the same stuff in America. But they're also killing each other to cull their own numbers down as well. It's just a sad way of how their nature is. That's why they have a high birthrate. It's how they adapted to killing each other, is they have more children, and sacrifice more lives in a vicious circle. You solve one of those problems, you have to deal with the other side of it. They've got a hard road ahead of them, those who do survive. Unfortunately a lot of them are going to die. It can't be stopped. I believe in giving everyone a chance. I think there's hope in every gene pool. Only with a lot of massive changes to narratives of history and understanding what people are and what their heritage is. All this stuff that is massively censored. History is being rewritten. We're not allowed to tell the truth about history and what we are. I can go on for hours about that, it's horrific.

Here's a good picture here. Here's the whole problem here. There are two kinds of equality. They go on about 'equality'. Fuck equality. You have equality in one hand, and fairness in the other. You can't have it both ways. You have to be equal or fair. Two people work, one works harder, the other doesn't work at all. The one who works harder should get more than the one who doesn't work at all. Or the one who's better at it should, or works harder, you know what I mean? We're not equal. Nothing is. Equality only has value and meaning when it comes to basic default rights. Basic default rights, that's it. That's the only place where equality has any place or meaning and value. Outside of that, you're just twisting the context and corrupting what it was supposed to mean. And this is Egalitarianism. If you don't know what Egalitarianism is, it's a fucking disgusting cult. It's part of this Communist shit. It's a way of basically just disabling everyone and turning them all into equally ranked mindless drones who can never rise up and compete with their masters. It's like a Borg collective, they're trying to turn everyone into Borg drones with psychiatric drugs and shit to help. Equality has two different versions here, as basically mutual respect. This is my home, that's your home. I stay in my home, you stay in your home. Like neighbours in a street. Each group of people, each gene pool has their own home. Maybe they got cousins down the other end of the street or something, that's an extended part of their family. But they still live in their home, you live in your home. And these other people from these other very different type of people, they may live next door to you. But they don't live in your home. They don't sleep in your bed. They don't get to eat foot out of your fridge, take money out of your wallet, and call you racist and they'll kill you if you say no. That's a home invader, and you have to kill home invaders. Because if you don't, they'll kill you and they'll kill the whole street. You need to kill home invaders. There are those who respect borders, and those who don't. Those who preach all this egalitarianism bullshit, and that you need to give me half of your shit kind of Communist stuff, they don't really believe in this stuff themselves. Because if they did, go prove it. OK, give me half your stuff. If you go around promoting the idea that I need to give stuff to you and others, that you need to take from me, that's not the same as debate. If you want to debate that stuff in a debating environment, that's good. But if you go around outside of debate, you go promoting this stuff of the erosion of other people's rights and the taking of their stuff, under those same premises I will do the same to you. So if you believe in persecuting my White race over things that aren't true because of 'slavery', and it turns out, oh, hang on, history was actually upside down, you were the slaver and my people were the slaves, so according to your own judgements what you said that you need to take from us, well we are going to take it from you because these are your own rules. Therefore we have your permission to do so. You should have thought of that before you got your facts upside down. So be careful when you go judging people. I'm not saying don't judge, I'm saying you're obligated to judge, but judge rightly. Make sure you get your damn facts right. If you don't have your damn facts right, and you need to sort that out, then just say so, 'I need to look into this further', and go and do it. Get your facts right and then make a valid judgement. Don't go around making up lies to greedily take from my people or any other people. My people have done their job, above and beyond, the whole time. The more they give, the more greedy the takers get. Mutual respect. You live in your home, I live in my home. Instead of looking at and trying to cut down the top dog like a bunch of fucking cannibals, start bettering yourselves. Look at the example others set and say, 'OK, that's a good idea, that's a bad idea, I've got my own ideas, hey you guys take a look at these ideas and see what you think, I like that, don't like that, I'll swap that with what I got and I'll try it myself and see how it goes'. Live in your own home, with your own heritage, your own gene pool. You don't live in other people's gene pools, you don't belong there. I'm not talking about separatism. I'm talking about a proper relationship with other gene pools and races and species, in their rightful space. You need to respect each other's space. If you live with neighbours and you respect each other's space, you meet each other on neutral ground, you might have a beer with each other. Hey, you might have them over once a week for dinner. If they're good neighbours and they respect your space. If they don't respect your space, you're not going to be having them over for dinner are you? But when you have them over for dinner, they leave at the end of the day. They don't stay. And if your neighbour, he has a fight with his wife, and he needs asylum, he needs 'Can you let me in for the night?'. You don't have to. You're not obligated to let him in for the night. But if you do, he doesn't stay. He goes back home. If you call yourself an asylum seeker and you don't go back home as soon as you possibly can, you're not an asylum seeker. You're an invader. You're a thief. You're a terrorist. You're committing genocide against the locals. And you forfeit your life. Mutual respect. Imagine if there is an extraterrestrial species or communtiy out there, which I say in my story. And they've sorted this shit out. A lot of wars that happened in the past and they sorted this shit out and they got a system going where basically, you keep to your own space, you don't fuck with other people, and when you interact with each other, you do so under common sense rules of respect and not violating others and exploiting them. And when you come together, it's in constructive good things that happen. It's not war and plunder and genocide and shit. Imagine, they would have to sort that shit out. Because if they didn't, this world would not exist today. It would have got invaded and plundered itself. But it hasn't. And let's propose it hasn't, because they sorted their shit out. So if they were to come down to this world and see what's going on, they see all these greedy fuckers going around invading other people's countries and demanding free shit, and repeating these fucking mindless zombie Borg drone fucking mantras that don't even make any fucking sense, saying these wierd words like race card shit, and it's just like a fucking mindless robot, what do you think they are going to do? This is a planet that's already gained access to space travel. And should any technology get into their hands, they can dramatically expand that quickly. They're in the entrance point here to being part of the galactic community. What do you think they're going to think of all these fuckers who don't respect each other's space on this world? Because not everyone, White people on average, minus Communists, because they are a big problem, minus the White Communists, the majority of the White race, they are the one's who created all this space travel. And all this technology and civilisation and stuff, they're the one's who respect each other'sd space. Who free slaves and sacrifice for others. They're on average, they're doing a very good job of making a case for the entry into the greater community because they're responsible. Despite all these fucking lies saying otherwise, they don't go around invading other countries. They find places that aren't inhabited. And there was a few mess ups here and there, only minor. But for the most part, they've done nothing but sacrifice for others. They've made a good case for themselves so far, about gaining entry into the greater community. But all the rest, the non-White world, what example are you fucking setting? You don't keep to your own. You look for the nearest White country, the richest White country, and you try to siphon off it like a fucking vampire, with a knife in their back, ready to strike if they try and make you let go. What do you think an extraterrestrial community would look down upon you like? Here's these White people, they're making a good case for themselves. But these other guys, oh, if they get access to space travel, they're going to cause big problems for everyone else. We can't let them off this world. We either quarantine them or we wipe them out. What do you think they're going to do? You think they're going to let you live? What do you think happened on this world 6 and a half thousand years ago? Look at North Africa, the Middle East, and as far as Mongolia. That's not nature man. I told the story of what happened. They'll finish the job this time. I didn't expect them to be that harsh, but they were. They'll finish the job. You want to be wiped out, keep doing what you're doing. If you won't leave White people alone. If you're in their country, and you don't like the way they're doing things, fuck off back where you came from, stop speaking their language. Go sort your own shit out, live in your own, give back everything you've taken from White people. Start doing something for yourself. Then come back, under your own merits. You want to go to war against White people? You really think you're going to win? And if you consider things above, do you really want to go there? Unfortunately, there are so many that are so fucking greedy, they will try it. If you're not among them, and you're one of those who do have a hope of finding a place again in this world, and perhaps beyond some day, in your own time, then you're going to have to stand up and do the right thing. All of you, White or non-White. Because, when it comes to White people, I see a lot of them complaining. And they get what's going on. They complain. They're not doing nothing. And when I see all these people who are starting to police themselves, as fucked up as this Black Lives Matter terrorist shit is, the fact that this idea of starting to police themselves and to step up to their own responsibilities, as fucked up as that is, that's actually a very important lesson. It's what I've been trying to tell you all to do for a long time. You need to step up and start governing yourselves. I'm not saying that you don't need a government. I came here to bring a form of government, from beyond here, to sort this shit out. So it's not without government. What I'm saying is that you need to stop relying on a baby sitter and start doing it for yourselves. And whoever you are, whatever race you may be, you need to stand up and defend White people. Don't say, 'Oh, I'm not one of these Black thugs'. No no, you need to defend the White victims here. Because the White people are the victims here. This Black Lives Matter shit with Blacks being oppressed, is complete fucking bullshit. Everyone knows it. Even the people who repeat these lies, they know it. They're just repeating this shit because it gets them free shit. I say this, I get free shit. That's all they care about. Everyone knows better. This is your chance to show that there's something worth salvaging. Don't do it because they're White. Do it because, 'Hey look, here's this gene pool who is being genocided wrongfully by a bunch of fucking parasites'. Do it because it's right, not because I'm White. Not because I'm this or that. Think of it on a greater scale, in a galactic community. You need to do the right thing. For a community to work, you need to be above a minimum standard. You need to look out for others if you see something wrong. You are responsible to take action, reasonable action. You can't rely on a baby sitter to do everything for you. You have to be an adult. Civilisation doesn't work when you've got a bunch of adult children and a baby sitter. It doesn't work that way. You need to be adults, you need to step up to your responsibilities. You see something wrong happen, and you take reasonable measures to deal with it. If there's no good in this world and civilisation, and the government is the master who, they have the answers and you just need to do what they tell you, under the best circumstances that will never work. It can't work. This whole scenario around this world, it's really simple. Is there enough good in this world worth salvaging, that can give this world a case to be saved. Because it will be sterilised if it isn't. Step uo and do the right thing. Do it because it's right, not because there's something in it for you. Not because it's some twisted sense of obligation to some kind of fucked up fake loyalty and shit. Don't be loyal to any man, or group of men or gang or group or race or whatever. By loyal to what's right. You can't be loyal to morality and truth, and be loyal to a person at the same time. When someone starts doing fucked up shit, are you going to go along with it because you are loyal to them? Is that really loyal to them, because you're going to agree with them and let them go down a bad path? Or are you going to stand up and say, 'Hey, look, what you're doing is wrong. I don't want you to becom a drug addict and fuck your life up and throw your life away over a bunch of lies. Look, I want you to make something better of your life. Don't waste it'. Be loyal to morality and truth, not to people. You have no other obligation of loyalty outside of right and wrong. Not to people but to be loyal to what's right. Morality and truth. It's up to you to discover values of morality and truth as you go. But the vast majority of those values are already accessible to all of mankind, whereever you come from. You all get the basics. There's no excuse. When White people see Blacks being enslaved, they spend 200 years. They invested so much into freeing them that it took them 200 years just to free one group of people. That's just one group of people. Without a single word of thanks, all those people just turn on them and try to loot free shit and rewrite history and lie. White people have been the ones who've stepped up. Not all of them. Some of the worst villains are a minority of White Communist kind of scum. They're the biggest problem. But the rest of you, the large biomass of mankind, you're just not doing the right thing. On average, White people are the ones who stepped up and did the right thing. They made a case for their own defenc, their own survival. But they still need to finish making that case, they need to defend themselves. If they can't defend themselves against the adversary here, they're not going to survive out there. Understand, there's a larger scale test going on here. If White people are wiped out, you're all wiped out. That's how it works. For the rest of you, you aren't making a case for your own survival. I don't want you to get wiped out. But the way you're going, you're going to be wiped out. I sacrificed everything to give you a chance. And you just don't get it. Step up and do the right thing. Defend the innocent and vulnerable. And it's not just defending White people. When a certain group, like a race or species is being targeted for genocide and massively attacked, and their whole heritage and existence is being rewritten out of history, defend them because it's wrong. Not because you have some kind of obligation to that person that you're a part of that group, or that group helped you one time you have some kind of debt you owe them. No, fuck all that. Do it simply because it's right. And do it for any species or group or individual, simply because it's right. It's as simple as right and wrong, that's it. Do the right thing. And for White people, doing the right thing is, when they call you a racist, grab them by the balls, pull out a hammer and say call me it again. You want to make a case, we'll debate it. You want to go around promoting genocide, you die. Choose. Answer, choose, debate or die. Own the consequences. And for the non-Whites, you need to step up. White people aren't trying to kill you, but if you keep doing this what do you think they are going to do? Their patience isn't eternal. They're about to fight back. And once they do, you're all gone. Is that what you want? You're not going to win a war against them. And if you did, the others from above they will wipe you out. You can't win. Stop trying to wage war against White people. They're not out to get you. You're out to get them. Your group is out to get them. You need to defend the victims. So if this has happened to White people, or if it happened to some extraterrestrial species out there, if you're a grown up species that's what you do. You look out for others out there too. But if you're not doing that down here, you're not going to do that up there, and you don't deserve to be up there. And you need to be quarantined or executed to protect them. So don't just protect White people. What if a certain species, animal species are being targeted like what certain animal species are. Who's defending them? The environmentalists aren't. They're just fucking Communist lying hypocrites. Just look at this from a simple matter or right and wrong. Defend the innocent and vulnerable. When there's a disagreement between ideas, debate them. Don't hide in a corner and try to enforce your version of things. You don't know, what if you're wrong? Don't pretend that you're a god. You don't know everything, you can't be sure that you're definitely right all the time. You don't know unless you test your ideas against others, like a bunch of Tennis players. Who knows who's the champion if you don't play against other players? You get a champion by winning every match. You can't become a champion if you have no tennis matches. Debate all your grievances and ideas, not just to be sure that you're right, but to share your ideas. Maybe if you are right, you can convince people into doing otherwise. But if you're going to go around saying that, 'OK, all of this. Every member of this race is by default an evil NAZI racist blah blah blah, we just need to wipe them all out'. If you're not going to debate this and you're just going to use force to just genocide a people because someone told you a bunch of shit that you didn't even bother doing proper research on. You're just going to go on board and go kill them all and fuck them all up and genocide them because, 'free shit'. If you're going to do that, you must die. To protect this world, other worlds, even your own people. Your own people need to kill you, if you're going to do that. If you're going to be a vampire, you need to die. I don't want anyone to die. Look, I would give evil a chance to exist. A bunch of evil people doing fucked up shit to each other, if it was under mutual consent, I would give them some guidance whatever I can, but I wouldn't interfere. So long as they're doing it under mutual consent. Because who knows, maybe they might figure something out of value. Maybe they will find their way some day, or who knows. My concern here is protecting the innocent and vulnerable. And right now, the White race is innocent and vulnerable and being under massive attack on all these lies. The rest of you, you're not going to win this war against the White race, no matter what, there's no way you can do that. And, if you win, you get wiped out. If you keep doing it, you will get wiped out. The only hope you have is to stop. You need to start protecting White people like they have protected you for so long, without a single word of thanks. You can go to the KKK. They're all so fucking evil, right? And there's all different KKK groups, and all these lies have been spread about them. Do you understand what they really stand for? They just want to live among their own kind, without people from other places fucking with them. This is our home, that's your home, just fuck off, get out of my fucking home. Simple as that. They're not going around invading other people's countries and telling them what to do in their own home. No, you're doing that. You're the invader. Don't they have the right to defend themselves? If you're a serial rapist and they hang you up on a tree, whose fault is that? You go into someone else's land and you rape their kids and shit. What do you think they're going to do? What do you think everyone used to do in the old days? Everyone did that, they hang you up on a tree as a warning to the other fucking psychopaths. Not just people who are foreigners, but from among their own population. The minority of psychopaths hiding among their own population. They hang your corpse up on a tree as a warning. Any other one of you fuckers who want to try it, who are hiding among the community like a wolf among sheep, this is what's going to come unto you. Deterrents are a good thing. This is why the police problem is what it is. Because there's no deterrent. The punishment for government abuse, especially with all the police powers and stuff, it's supposed to be 10 times. If there's a victim, it's 10 times the punishment. If there's no victim, it's 5 times the punishment. You don't hear anyone talking about that any more, do you? And as I said before, all these BLM kind of thug terrorists and stuff, as bad as that is, what the police are doing pretty much universally everywhere, is even worse. You should see my case against the New South Wales police force. You think you're angry now? You just wait till you see this. But hey, I remember when I was saying, 'I can't breathe', while the government was mocking me and telling me to die, and worse. And no-one protested, no-one gave a shit. no-one stepped up to save my life. I'm sick and I'm dying and shit, and there's only so much I can do. And I can't do any more until you step up and defend my life, and help me get the political asylum and medical treatment to save my life that I need. Once you step up once, all I need is just to step up once, this once. And then, the next time, the second time to step up, OK, let's try help out someone else. Well, I can help you. I can show you. I have skills, I can teach you things. I just need a little bit from you. And we can save the world, but no-one's stepping up. Black, White, Yellow, Green, or Orange, or Purple. No-one's stepping up. Everyone's complaining,but no-one's stepping up. And the really twisted part of this is, as fucked up as all this lefty BLM kind of shit is, with this defund the police shit is, the fact that they've got this idea of doing it for themselves, even if it's Communist propaganda that's been fed to them, they have this sense now of starting to look after themselves. As misguided as they are, they have one important point that you all need to get. Isn't it funny how the worst of mankind seems to somehow just have the answer that the rest of you need. Maybe that's why they're set to do what they're doing, to teach you a lesson. Step up, start policing yourselves, start policing your government. When you've got a bunch of corrupt police who go around doing fucked up shit, and it's on documented, and you've got a case, and you've got consensus. You offer, OK if anyone wants to say otherwise, let's hear your case, let's debate this shit, we'll do it publically. You win the debates if there's no case that stands after winning all the debates. You just go and fucking take them out. That right there, those debates are the court hearing. You ask them once, we've declared you guilty of this, will you debate the public over this or not? If they say no, you kill them. If they say yes, you debate and we'll see. You need to do these things. You need to learn how to do these things. You need to be an adult. You need to start looking after yourselves instead of relying on a baby sitter. Look, your baby sitter's the worst of the worst. They can't look after you anymore. I can help you become an adult, but not if you're not willing to try. You're not willing to step up to your responsibilities. That's what the problem here is. None of you are stepping up to your responsibilities. None of you are protecting the innocent and vulnerable. None of you are protecting whistleblowers. No-one stepped up to protect me. I need political asylum and urgent medical treatment to save my life. I've got all this evidence I've given you as justification for taking down a lot of people in just this one Australian government that's been going on. I've done all the debates. I've done it all. For years, I've had a monetary reward for anyone who can produce a case, and the government pretty much every step of the way, confirms everything I say, proves it right. Where are you acting? I don't see anyone acting. Everyone complains, won't do shit. And sadly, all these fucking crazy greedy Black terrorists called Black Lives Matter, as fucked up as they are, and as corrupted as what they're doing is, they actually somewhat do have the right idea. Even if they've got it all wrong, it's based on a good idea. The idea that you need to be dealing with. You need to step up to your responsibilities. Start policing yourselves, start policing your own government. Don't wave a finger. You need to fucking punish them. But don't be like a vigilante thug. You need to be like a vigilante super hero. You need to be sure that you're right. And you need to do it right. And obviously you need to learn how to do things right. And I can teach you. But not if you don't save my life, and not if you don't step up. I am the example. I am the donkey in the well. Step up and save my life and we can go from there. You don't do that, it's all over. Alright, I can sit here for hours talking. If you want to save this world, you need to listen and do. Or you can just keep doing what you're doing, and it's just going to get worse. Choose. Own the consequences.

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